I had the opportunity of taking this picture after the soon-to-be-couple's rehearsal in Port Moody...and man it was quick. Brent and Bless had to go to Nando's Chicken for the rehearsal dinner. Anyway, I let them take off after taking a couple of shots for I know I already have the shot.
I didn't have time to prepare but I was so grateful that my clients were very cooperative and were so fun to work with. A little bit shy in the beginning but in the end I was able to get the most of it. It's always like that.
For me, it is not important that I have something to show at the reception. The best thing about engagement shoot is that come wedding day, the couple is already used to my camera, and I am already used to the couple, and it takes a lot of load off my work.
Tomorrow is their wedding day and I am sure when they see my camera, they will be posing naturally.
Thank you guys for giving me the time I needed, and congratulations!